Save for a home deposit faster*

Invest your savings in property, rather than some low returning savings account.*

Gain early access to our Home Deposit Saver App - a happy place where your money can be invested in a portfolio of great Aussie homes.*

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How to save for your first home faster.*

If you saved $1,000 a month, it would take 9 years to save a 20% deposit for a $600,000 home.

That’s based on a typical 0.5%p.a. term deposit rate, which currently doesn’t even keep pace with inflation, let alone house prices, effectively making your savings go backwards.

Quilo Savings
So, what should first home buyers do?

Do you risk investing in shares or crypto?

Shares can have greater performance, but with that comes greater risk. During COVID, the Australian stock market suffered a drop of 38%* – that was the biggest drop in the last 30 years. The worst declines over the same period for residential property investors were just -2.4%.*

Saving through Quilo*.

At Quilo, we believe home ownership should be within reach of all Australians. So we’re knocking down and rebuilding a new way to save through investment.

With our Home Deposit Saver App, you can invest your savings in our residential property fund.* It’s like owning a piece of many different Aussie homes, so you can get onto the property ladder in 9 minutes*, not 9 years. And as house prices rise, so does the value of your investment.

Our experience.

Since acquiring our first home and up to March 2021, our homes grew in value by 8.7%* on average (despite COVID). That's over twice as strong as the general property market over the same period of time*.